Food Grade Elastomer Standards
All elastomers which are used in food processing, and especially those parts that come into direct contact with food, must meet strict governmental and industry requirements. These requirements regulate the material formulation of the product, the manufacturing process, and post-manufacture testing protocols. Food Industry certification organizations include:
FDA (USA) – Food and Drug Administration
Safe rubber ingredients for contact with foods are listed in the FDA “White List” located in the Code of Federal Regulations (title 21) section number 177.2600. The FDA does not specifically approve rubber compounds. Materials compounded only from ingredients on the list are considered to be FDA compliant.
NSF International (USA/Canada and worldwide)
Independent Public Health and Safety Organization
NSF/ANSI standards for food equipment. Standard 51 sets health effects criteria for materials and coatings used in the manufacture of objects destined for contact with foodstuffs.
BfR (Germany)
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung)
Assessment of consumer safety, especially with respect to food safety, product safety, and chemicals safety.
ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials)
International cooperative for the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards.
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) European Union (Europe)
Framework Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 applies to all food contact materials. Regulation EU No. 2023/2006 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for materials intended for contact with food. Rubber products are not currently covered by specific EU legislation, which is left to the discretion of the individual EU member countries.
KIWA (Europe and worldwide)
Independent quality certification organization
Independent testing according to international standards (ATA, CE, DVWG, EPA, ISO, NSF, WRAS, etc.), combined testing for multiple countries.
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